
topIrradiated Units Management Strategy

Irradiated units, coming from original installed converters will be managed following the guidelines below.

  • EPC will minimize the work on �hot� radioactive units as much as possible (ALARA principle) using the spare units while waiting for the cooling of the faulty units before repair.
  • EPC storage area for irradiated units will be managed by GS department in a dedicated building used for CERN irradiated equipments for a CERN-wide approach.
    It is necessary to make a request of "Storage material accelerators" towards the building 954 under EDH
  • FGC irradiated units will be analyzed, repaired and validated in general CERN Rad Lab Bld 867.
  • Other than FGC Irradiated Units will be analyzed, repaired and validated by small batchs in Building 287, using:
    • Standard Power Converter Test Beds available in Building 287, defining a temporary "radioactive" area (balisage).
    • A dedicated EPC rad-lab (created and managed by EPC) for repairing (solder and destructive operation) its irradiated units to avoid heavy units multiple transports between sites.
    • Building 287 will be only for repair process dealing with small quantity of irradiated units. Building 287 is not a second radioactive storage area and no storage area is actually needed / considered in the described repair process.

Strategy: Irradiated Units Management

Strategy: Irradiated Units Management .vsd